How can I prevent low back pain in the workplace?

Do You Have Low Back Problems, Sciatica, or You Just Sit Longer Than 3 Hours Per Day at Work, Then You Must Read This...

If you are worried that your back is unhealthy or not aging well, then this could be the most important thing you read all year.


As more and more Americans are finding out, the correlation between desk work and low back problems is not a coincidence. Researchers suggest that prolonged periods of sitting combined with pre-existing postural problems will inevitably lead to chronic symptoms like low back pain, sciatica, aDownload?Id=12738nd spinal disc degeneration later in life.

This new clinical finding is suggesting that people are trading their health and future well-being for time at their desk. But, there is a way to minimize your risk and still maintain your youth despite it all.

Fortunately, there are preventative measures that can be taken to improve your back symptoms and minimize your risk. Dr. Burtenshaw recommends the following basic guidelines:

  • Know your posture: A little bit of effort can go a long way.  If you know exactly what your posture is or more importantly what is is NOT, you can reduce ergonomic positions that hurt your body, and conversely you can perform specific postural exercises at work to help your body.
  • Stay hydrated: hydration keeps the blood flowing, the muscles loose, and the spinal discs spongy and active. Drink up!
  • Keep moving in the chair: static positioning (no movement) at your desk is a huge risk factor for low back problems. Fortunately, there is a way to become dynamic (micro movement) and still get your work done - perhaps even more efficiently. It's called the "sitting disc". Learn about it, Google it, ask your chiropractor about it. Get one for work, feel the difference and create a healthier back.
  • Get symmetrical: asymmetry in the workplace or workstation design is another risk factor. A simple thing, like having your monitor slightly off center, too high or too low is very bad for your body. Also, things like reaching too far for the mouse, having your chair too high or too low also need to be fixed immediately.
  • Lean on your Chiropractor: Your local Chiropractor should be your greatest asset. They should be able to give you a plethora of ideas and exercises for 'staying healthy at work'. Not all chiropractors can do this, so finding the right chiropractor is critical. In short, routine chiropractic care combined with posture and stress management along with an active lifestyle and expert advice/coaching is the #1 strategy for preventing work-related low back problems later in life.

What should I do now?

  1. Know your exact posture profile. What you don't know can hurt you. A rehab based chiropractor is your best option.
  2. Get a sitting disc in your desk chair immediately! If you don't know how to use it, we will help you. You can buy a sitting disc at our office or online.
  3. Ask your Chiropractor to give you some advice. Get expert coaching on how to stay healthy at work, and protect your back from abnormal aging. Want to know more? Just ask us... "What else can you teach me about ergonomics?"

P.S. Did you know that we offer FREE CONSULTATIONS? If someone you know has a low back problem or SCIATICA - give them this article. Tell them we can help them. For more information, please call or visit us online at or call today at 208-922-4908.


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